

SDD awarded Special Achievement Award at the 28th annual Isadora Duncan Dance Awards

March 24, 2014 – Sean Dorsey Dance was awarded a Special Achievement Award at the 28th Annual Isadora Duncan Dance Awards. The Isadora Duncan Dance Awards (or “the Izzies”) are the Academy Awards for dance here in the Bay Area.

Sean Dorsey Dance was awarded this Special Achievement Award for the creation of The Secret History Of Love. The Secret History Of Love – currently on a 20-city US tour – reveals the underground ways that LGBTQ people managed to find love and community in decades past, despite tremendous obstacles. 

Dorsey created the show during an intense 2-year creation process in communities across the US, where he recorded oral history interviews with LGBTQ elders. Dorsey then spent over 100 hours in the sound studio working with his team of composers and Sound Engineer Laura Dean to create the show’s richly layered soundscore: the elders’ voices and remarkable life stories are heard and seen in the show. Sean Dorsey, Juan De La Rosa, Brian Fisher, Nol Simonse and special musical guest Shawna Virago then spent a year creating the work in the studio before its premiere and ongoing tour.

Artistic Director Sean Dorsey shared, “This is a tremendous honor for the company, but also for the entire LGBTQ community, whose histories and life stories are honored in this powerful show.”